I am a student of psychology, a content creator and have been a voice actor for 3 years with a background in creative media and graphics design.  My interests are in art, philosophy, anthropology and experiencing the different ways people live and see the world. I began with 3D scanning but as the project developed, I found myself turning my attention to photogrammetry as an alternative approach and have since then become the leading mentor of photogrammetry within the project, though I still help with the 3d scanning and various projects of the project.   

I'm extremely thankful for the skills and experience working with the Trust has given me, I can't think of any other job that would give me so many varied skills and opportunities, I’ve had experience in developing events, oral history, geospatial training, retouching and I even got to use my skills from voice acting to teach a bit of voice over to my colleagues working with the team. It has been such a thrilling and interesting time and I honestly feel blessed to have such a genuine and welcoming atmosphere. I would definitely say the work environment is like no other, sometimes I forget it's a job because it feels more like a collaboration. I'm excited to see where the project will take us in the future.

To find out about the other team members involved in our Digital Explorations project click here